European ST-T (90 records)

The European ST-T Database is intended to be used for evaluation of algorithms for analysis of ST and T-wave changes. This database consists of 90 annotated excerpts of ambulatory ECG recordings from 79 subjects. The subjects were 70 men aged 30 to 84, and 8 women aged 55 to 71. Myocardial ischemia was diagnosed or suspected for each subject; additional selection criteria were established in order to obtain a representative selection of ECG abnormalities in the database, including baseline ST segment displacement resulting from conditions such as hypertension, ventricular dyskinesia, and effects of medication. The database includes 367 episodes of ST segment change, and 401 episodes of T-wave change, with durations ranging from 30 seconds to several minutes, and peak displacements ranging from 100 microvolts to more than one millivolt. In addition, 11 episodes of axis shift resulting in apparent ST change, and 10 episodes of axis shift resulting in apparent T-wave change, have been marked. Compact clinical reports document each record. Each record is two hours in duration and contains two signals, each sampled at 250 samples per second with 12-bit resolution over a nominal 20 millivolt input range. Two cardiologists worked independently to annotate each record beat-by-beat and for changes in ST segment and T-wave morphology, rhythm, and signal quality. more...

For more information:

  2. Taddei A, Distante G, Emdin M, Pisani P, Moody GB, Zeelenberg C, Marchesi C. The European ST-T Database: standard for evaluating systems for the analysis of ST-T changes in ambulatory electrocardiography.European Heart Journal 13: 1164-1172 (1992).
  3. Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13).

This database has 90 records