Record s20161
- Age: 65
- Sex: Male
Additional data
This patient has Prinzmetal's angina, with episodes of major ST elevation in lead 0. In lead 1 the corresponding changes are ST depressions. Of interest, the QRS morphology changes slightly during the ischemic episodes, possibly due to transient chamber enlargement (Bradie effect). The time course of the morphology change is gradual, as opposed to the sudden axis shifts characteristic of postural changes. An excerpt of this recording is included in the European ST-T Database (record e0105).
Prinzmetal's angina Coronary artery disease
- Balloon Angioplasty: No data
- Coronary Artery bypass Grafting: No data
- Comments: Hypertriglyceridemia, coronary artery disease, previous myocardial infarction
- Hypertension: No
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: No
- Cardiomyopathy: No
- Valve disease: No
- Electrolyte abnormalities: No
- Hypercapnia, anemia, hypotension, hyperventilation: No
- Atrioventricular nodal conduction delay: No
- Intraventricular conduction block: No
- Previous Myocardial Infarction: Yes, inferior
Previous tests
ECG stress test
- Date: No Data
- Findings: Positive - ST depression in leads II, III, avF, and V5-V6
- Thallium/Stress echo: No data
- Left ventricular function: Globally normal
- Echocardiogram: No data
- Coronary Arteriography: Right coronary artery occlusion, 50% stenosis of left anterior descending coronary artery, 95% stenosis of left circumflex artery
Baseline ECG
Inferior negative T waves No arrhythmias
Holter Recording
- Date: 01/12/1986
- Recorder: ICR