Record s20221
- Age: 57
- Sex: Male
Additional data
Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST depression. Data in lead 0 shows some rate-related episodes. Numerous axis shifts in both leads.
Transient ischemic attack Hypertension Left ventricular hypertrophy Patent foramen ovale
- Medication: No data
- Balloon Angioplasty: No
- Coronary Artery bypass Grafting: No
- Comments: No definite diagnosis of coronary artery disease
- Hypertension: Yes
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: Yes
- Cardiomyopathy: No
- Valve disease: No
- Electrolyte abnormalities: No
- Hypercapnia, anemia, hypotension, hyperventilation: No
- Atrioventricular nodal conduction delay: Borderline
- Intraventricular conduction block: Yes
- Previous Myocardial Infarction: No
Previous tests
ECG stress test
- Thallium/Stress echo: No
- Left ventricular function: Mild global systolic dysfunction
Cardiomegaly Mild global left ventricular dysfunction Mild left ventricular hypertrophy Patent foramen ovale
- Coronary Arteriography: No
Baseline ECG
Left atrial abnormality Borderline atrioventricular conduction delay Intraventricular conduction defect Left ventricular hypertrophy Nonspecific ST changes
Holter Recording
- Date: 22/05/1996
- Recorder: No data