Record s20561
- Age: 79
- Sex: Male
Additional data
There are unreadable intervals between 6:31:16 and 9:45:42, and between 22:17:14 and 22:52:08.
Coronary artery disease Atrial fibrillation Hypertension
Diltiazem Nitrates Heparin
- Balloon Angioplasty: No data
- Coronary Artery bypass Grafting: No data
- Comments: Effort and resting angina, chronic atrial fibrillation, previous myocardial infarction
- Hypertension: Yes
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: Septum 13 mm
- Cardiomyopathy: No
- Valve disease: No
- Electrolyte abnormalities: No
- Hypercapnia, anemia, hypotension, hyperventilation: No
- Atrioventricular nodal conduction delay: No
- Intraventricular conduction block: No
- Previous Myocardial Infarction: Yes, anterior
Previous tests
ECG stress test
- Thallium/Stress echo: No data
- Left ventricular function: Normal
- Echocardiogram: No data
- Coronary Arteriography: Left anterior descending coronary artery 100% stenosis, right coronary artery 75% stenosis, left circumflex coronary artery 50% stenosis
- Baseline ECG: Previous anterior myocardial infarction
Holter Recording
- Date: 02/08/1999
- Recorder: Remco