Record s30701
- Age: 67
- Sex: Male
Additional data
Patient with angina and coronary artery disease. This record shows very little ST lability. There are two minor ischemic episodes near the end of the monitoring period, both associated with increased heart rate. The final episode convinced the annotators that they were observing ischemia triggered by increased heart rate rather than rate-related changes.
- Diagnoses: Coronary artery disease
Atenolol Lipitor
- Balloon Angioplasty: Yes, 1997-stents, additional in 1999
- Coronary Artery bypass Grafting: No
- Comments: Angina
- Hypertension: No
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: No
- Cardiomyopathy: No
- Valve disease: No
- Electrolyte abnormalities: No
- Hypercapnia, anemia, hypotension, hyperventilation: No
- Atrioventricular nodal conduction delay: No data
- Intraventricular conduction block: No data
- Previous Myocardial Infarction: No data.
Previous tests
ECG stress test
- Date: Not recorded
- Findings: Not available
- Thallium/Stress echo: Slightly hypokinetic infero-apical and postero-lateral walls.
- Left ventricular function: Normal ejection fraction - 53%
- Echocardiogram: No
Coronary Arteriography
Yes Two-vessel disease, details not available.
- Baseline ECG: No data
Holter Recording
- Date: 29/09/1999
- Recorder: Zymed